Loan Level Origination Trends
Dissect trends in industry origination profile. Are borrower ages moving higher or lower? What are the most popular utilization buckets? What interest rates are funded? And who’s funding them?
Loan Level Performance
Are you competing for the right loans? Are you buying the right HMBS / IOs? Dig into loan level performance for every loan ever securitized and find out if single 65 year old borrowers in a 300k home prepay and draw differently than 85 year old co-borrowers on tenure payment plans.
(hint: they do)
HECM Endorsements
I want to see the most popular zip codes for HECM originations. No problem!
I also want to see how many seniors own homes in a given area. Sure!
I want to see wallet share between brokers and lenders. Can do!
I want to see who buys loans from Principal Agents. At loan level. You got it!